Showing posts with label Allama Muhammad Ahmad Bashmail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Allama Muhammad Ahmad Bashmail. Show all posts

Fatah e Khyber By Muhammad Ahmad Bashmail PDF Free Download

Fatah e Khyber By Muhammad Ahmad Bashmail PDF Free Download.

This urdu book Fatah e Khyber is about the war of the Khyber. It fought between the Muslims of Madina and the Jewish tribes of Khyber. The Jews lived in seven castles and proud to be undefeatable. The Muslims troops led by the Prophet of Islam invaded all the Jewish castles in Khyber. This urdu book is written by Allama Muhammad Ahmed Bashmail .

Fatah Makkah By Allama Muhammad Ahmad Bashmail PDF Free Download

Fatah Makkah By Allama Muhammad Ahmad Bashmail PDF Free Download.

This urdu islamic book Fatah Makkah is a great writing by Allama Muhammad Ahmad Bashmail. The author told the history of the conquest of Makkah in Urdu. The Prophet of Islam led this expedition himself. The Muslims troops entered to Makkah without any bloodshed. It was the great victory of the Muslims. This urdu book is about Fateh Makkah.

Ghazwa e Ahzab By Allama Muhammad Ahmad Bashmail PDF Free Download

Ghazwa e Ahzab By Allama Muhammad Ahmad Bashmail PDF Free Download.

This urdu islamic book Ghazwa e Ahzab is a history of Ghazwa Ahzab. Muhammad Ahmed Bashmail is the author of this urdu islamic book. He told the details of a war between the Muslims of Madina and the alliance of Arab tribes. Quraish of Makkah led this expedition. The war ended with no result and the Mushrikeen turned back without a victory. This urdu book is about Ghazwa e Ahzab.

Ghazwa e Badar By Allama Muhammad Ahmad Bashmail PDF Free Download

Ghazwa e Badar By Allama Muhammad Ahmad Bashmail PDF Free Download.

Allama Muhammad Ahmed Bashmail is the author of this urdu islamic book Ghazwa e Badar. It is the Urdu history of the war of the Badar. This war fought between the Muslims of Madina and the Quraish of the Makkah. The Prophet of Islam led this expedition himself. The Muslims remain victorious in this first war for Islam. This urdu book is about Ghazwa e Badar.

Ghazwa e Hunain By Allama Muhammad Ahmad Bashmail PDF Free Download

Ghazwa e Hunain By Allama Muhammad Ahmad Bashmail PDF Free Download.

Allama Muhammad Ahmed Bashmail is the author of this urdu islamic book Ghazwa e Hunain. This book is an Urdu history of the war of Hunain which fought after the Fatah of Makkah. The Muslims defeated the Hawazin and the Banu Saqeef tribes in the leadership of the Prophet of Islam.

Ghazwa e Tabook By Allama Muhammad Ahmad Bashmail PDF Free Download

Ghazwa e Tabook By Allama Muhammad Ahmad Bashmail PDF Free Download.

Allama Muhammad Ahmed Bashmail is the author of this urdu islamic book Ghazwa e Tabook. It is a part of a book series about the wars of the history of Islam. The author told the details of the expedition of Tabook. The Muslims invaded the territory of Room in the leadership of Hazrat Muhammad SAW.